When All You Want is a Good Night Sleep

When All You Want is a Good Night Sleep


The average person spends about one-third of their life asleep! In fact, sleep Is the one activity you spend the most doing in your life Seems like such a waste when there is so much to do. However, if you have ever had a small child, or suffered from insomnia yourself you realise that sleeping…

Speech Disorder Vs. Language Disorder


My child is having trouble with their SPEECH! My child is having trouble with their LANGUAGE! These 2 sentences may appear to mean the same thing, but to a speech pathologist, they are worlds apart. So how do I describe what I am noticing? What is a language disorder? Is when a child is having…

6 Tips for Helping Your Child Settle Back in School

Back to school

As we prepare for school to return for another year (and I hear all the parents celebrating), we would like to offer some tips to make the transition and the first couple of weeks back as smooth as possible. Prepare your child in advance that school is returning – As we approach the new school…

Happy Occupational Therapy Week!

With Occupational Therapy week celebrations kicking off over the weekend, I thought this would be a great chance to answer some questions about Paediatric Occupational Therapy and rediscover some of the things that make OT so great! What is OT? Occupational therapy is an allied health profession that focusses on building skills and improving participation…



  Sometimes we can have difficulty keeping our attention focused. But did you know that our attention is actually resource limited? Thatā€™s why it can be hard to do two things at once, like driving and talking. Attention being focused away from goals can sometimes be so disruptive, we enter what is called a ā€˜ruminative…

Children and Gaming


With the World Health Organisation adding Gaming Disorder into the International Classification of Diseases Edition 11 the gaming world has gone into chaos, and frustration. Rest assured this does not mean that if you love gaming you will now be diagnosed with a mental illness. However the concern over how much some people sit at…

How to support your childā€™s Vocabulary Development


What is vocabulary and why is it important? Vocabulary refers to the words your child is able to understand as well as the words they use in sentences. It is important your child has an age appropriate vocabulary across their entire childhood. From early childhood, your child is using their vocabulary to communicate with you…

What are school readiness skills?


  ā€˜School readinessā€™ measures a childā€™s development in knowledge, skills and behaviours that collaboratively enable children to participate effectively and succeed in the school environment. Often parents believe that school readiness refers to their childā€™s ability to perform in academic skill areas such as reading, writing and basic maths. However, this is not the case!…

Learning to Identify our Moods


By Deni Fowle – Senior Psychologist This has been a recent topic of conversation both in the clinic and in my home. I am currently working with a few 11-12 year old girls who have been struggling to understand their role and responsibility in tending to their own mental wellbeing, and this is also a…

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