Team Leader

Our Team Leaders help guide our therapists and our organisation to bigger and better things in the future.

Our guarantee to you in the first 12-months or 4 weeks paid salary free:

  1. Peer or one on one supervision sessions with one of our experienced therapists or an external Supervisor.
  2. Greater opportunities for bi-annual external professional development* each year.
  3. Our team leaders receive monthly mentoring from our Therapy Manager to further develop their skills in quality assurance and mentoring our team of therapists.
  4. You will be involved in planning the future of Real Therapy Solutions alongside our other team leaders.

You may even choose to be part of one of our leadership and mentoring programs, aimed to develop your management or leadership skills – up to you! 80% of our experienced therapists have been promoted internally in RTS!

*budgets for your professional development are based on your level of experience and performance.

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