What Is Autism

Did you know that about 1 in 110 Australians is affected by autism? Thatā€™s a serious number, and itā€™s growing. But autism doesnā€™t just affect individuals. It affects families too. So, itā€™s more important than ever to get accurate information that can help if you support someone with autism.

Access that information ā€“ and more, now.


  • How autism is diagnosed
  • Why you should seek out professionals to ensure an accurate diagnosis
  • The difference between a meltdown and a tantrum ā€“ and how to support your child in each situation and much more.

Schedule Your Meet and Greet

Our meet and greet session allows us to make sure we are all comfortable working together and to confirm the therapist you meet is right for you.Ā 

This is an informal introduction and we will take the time to ease gently into our new relationship.Ā 

Fill out the form to get started and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

"*" indicates required fields

What services are you interested in?*

Are you NDIS Funded?*

We require this information as it impacts the type of documentation we must send you. Thank you for your cooperation.

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