Maintaining Routine At Home During Lockdown

Maintaining Routine At Home During Lockdown


The ongoing impacts of the pandemic are being felt by children with ASD and their families all over the globe. In particular, the disruptions to routines have caused significant stress which may be shown through an increase in certain behaviours. Maintaining a daily routine while at home may help to reduce this stress and the…

What can Allied Health Assistant input do for you?


What is an allied health assistant?Ā  In recent years, since the launch of the NDIS, there has been an increased demand for allied health services (Behaviour Support, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy etc.). Currently, our health systems are unable to fully meet these demands as there are more people seeking support than there are available…

The What, Who and Why of AAC: AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication)


WhatĀ is AAC?Ā  AAC stands for Alternative and Augmentative Communication, which is a fancy way of referring to something that helps someone communicate using a means other than spoken words. AAC systems can support the personā€™s verbal communication or completely replace it, this depends on their verbal skills, needs and preferences. Ā  AAC can include both…

So ā€¦Youā€™ve been Referred to a Psychologist?


  If you have never been in therapy, you may wonderĀ what peopleĀ actually getĀ out of talking about their feelings andĀ struggles in life,Ā to a complete stranger,Ā once a week.Ā Many people have mixed feelings aboutĀ attendingĀ therapy, such as fear,Ā apprehension, andĀ in some cases embarrassment.Ā OftenĀ people may experienceĀ theseĀ feelings because they do not knowĀ what to expect in therapyĀ or they have preconceived ideas aboutĀ what therapy…

Regulating Attentionā€Æ


Throughout our day-to-day lives, people are faced with a barrage of informationĀ and distractions. ThisĀ barrageĀ can take the shape of sensory information from external stimuli, such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, changes in temperature, and tactile sensations triggered by the physical environment around us, and from internal stimuli, such as our physiological responses to hunger, pain, heart…

Managing Anxiety


What is anxiety?Ā Ā  Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried,Ā tenseĀ or afraid ā€“ particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future. Anxiety is a natural human response when we perceive that we are under threat. It can be experienced through our thoughts,Ā feelingsĀ and physical sensations.Ā Ā  Most…

Transitioning to Solids


Transitioning to solid foods is a bigĀ and excitingĀ milestone for babies and parents and most times it goes very smoothly. However, at times this may be difficultĀ due to many underlying reasons andĀ especially if the child has sensory issues. The challenges of being unable to transition to solids can mean increasedĀ anxiety for the child and family during…

Preparing for a Happy Easter


School holiday times are lots of fun ā€“ especially when they involve chocolate,Ā Easter egg hunts, and hot cross buns! But holiday times can be stressful too.Ā Being out of normal routine canĀ be difficult, and at Easter time the house rules can tend to relax a littleĀ which causes stress in its own way. Later bedtimes, long car…

The Positive Impact of Video Games


Video games have been around since 1958 when a physicist invented what would become known as the tennis game ā€˜Pongā€™. Since then, video games have come a long way both in graphic quality and storytelling, leading to video games currently being the most popular and profitable form of entertainment. There are many varieties of games,…

Sleep and Mental Health


People often talk about sleep and how important it is for our body to function, especially brain function. If we have poor sleep for long periods of time, it’s harder to think, concentrate, we lack motivation and make it that much harder to push through our day. Our bodies and minds feel exhausted and it’s…

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